Judges Training

Hello everyone, Our next judge training will be November 18 from 9a-noon at 601 E 18th Ave, Denver, CO 80203 (same place as last time).  We will emphasize paradigms and some video training.  See you there. Reach out to William if you have any further questions: wmchumley@gmail.com. Thanks!
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May 2018 Membership Meeting Notes/Survey

Events, Meetings
Hello Everyone, Thank you for a very productive meeting today. We appreciate everyone's input and feedback in regards to the proposals. Please be sure to review all of the proposals that passed and failed as well as the notes from today's meeting. As discussed in the meeting please submit your feedback in regards to the dates for championships here by no later than EOB Tuesday May 22nd 2018: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJEogJHOf4SOiK9vEYuYBfbXOlx852grB7D9JI9FuU6MADMQ/viewform?usp=sf_link -RMCGA Board of Directors May Meeting Notes- 2018
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Schedules and Senior Information

Documents, Events
Hello Circuit!   The schedule for Arapahoe has been posted in the contest section. You can also locate it here : https://schedules.competitionsuite.com/c288cb82-8999-4c18-8b11-ccf92655afd6_logistical.htm -Participant patches – If your unit would like to preorder participant patches, they are $2 each. Final numbers and money need to be turned in by March 11. A small amount will be available for sale at Championships for $5 each -Seniors/Ageouts – If you have seniors or age-outs and they would like to submit a photo and paragraph for the championship program, it needs to be turned in by March 11. Please email to rmcgastateprogram@gmail.com -If you have ideas on what you would like to see in the Championship program or would like to write an article for inclusion, please let us know at rmcgastateprogram@gmail.com -We will…
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