Started at 11:00am MST
Agenda: November 13th 2016 RMCGA Membership Meeting
Old Business:
Approve Minutes of May Meeting:
Motion- Jeff
Second- Adam
Budget Items:
⁃Review and approve budget for 2017 season
Jennifer Carrasco- motion to approve
ashley- second
Contest Items:
-Applications- filled in dates- February 25th open release on December 1st to finalize rest,
- Championships at DU on April 1st 2017
- Looking for a new announcer
- Buying a new tarp- Tammy reach out to get an all black tarp for the circuit, (2) 50 X 70s
-WGI Regional- Rebate for signing up for the regional. March 11th 2017 Dakota Ridge- Sign up!
- Kendra will be gone feb 4th and 11th
Administrative Items:
- Review changes to the website- locations of items and updates
Judging Items:
- William Chumley new chief judge- getting people put onto panels and finishing up the WGI training, getting certificates and such. Will post panels as soon as that happens. Put the WGI judges on the contest schedule when it is posted.
- The next training date is 12/18 9-12pm at PHS all instructors welcome
- New WGI judging sheets- Check out the newest WGI manual
- Email Policy manual- Blast out to the membership
- William would like to announce his ideas for the preview show. Shirley is coming in to do consultations, questions about classifications and be able to talk to her about it. Process- 10 minutes to perform, working judge skills analysis, do another round then the group would get critiques- takes 2 hours to do 6 units. Use as a working day to get a read on where the judges are at. What does the membership think of this?
- Will it include the kids that are marching so that they can get feedback? Do we get tapes? Do we go by division and get groups that are similar in a block? January 21st needs a host. Likes this process and format per the membership. No recap and just used for training purposes.
- Contest schedule.
- January 21st- Preview (Need a sponsor)
- January 28th- RMCGA Contest
- February 4th- RMCGA Contest
- February 11th- RMCGA Contest
- February 18th- RMCGA Contest
- February 25th- RMCGA Contest (Need a sponsor)
- March 4th- RMCGA Contest
- March 11th- WGI Regional
- March 18th- RMCGA Contest
- March 25th- RMCGA Contest
- April 1 – RMCGA Championship
- No submissions for Friday nights- Approved 8 and so we would not be able to add any additional at this point.
- Still required to go to one of the first 3 shows. Send 2 volunteers to either the regional or championships.
New Business:
- Recruitment policies and procedures- Contacted by a band director on the circuit.
- What were the issues? Concern that the independent units in the state were poaching kids from active scholastic teams.
- Policy states that it is up to the marching member and their parent to decide where they march for the season. Other sports and activities do not force kids back to their scholastic programs if they chose to participate in ones outside of school.
- Positioning from members concerns addressed
- Open communication about scholastic kids wanting to march an independent group. Encouraging of instructors to talk to each other.
- Bingo
- Need help at bingo attendance and covering of bingo
- Exhibition groups- no fee for exhibition group for one time.
- Membership form- automation- Corinne Greenrod
- $620 for returning units
- feeder- $345
- Cadet/ Novice / Middle School $170
- Move towards tablets in competition suite, recordings and such done on tablets, faster and time efficient. Buy tablets and move towards it. iPad Minis- check out cost and think about it for May- Judges use personal iPads. Load videos to the suite for championships. One person can record and upload.
- Camera person
Motion to adjourn- Scott McGivern
Second- Jennifer Carrasco
Meeting Ended 1:29pm MST