WGI Registration, Membership Application and Contest Sponsor Application Information
Membership, the Contest Sponsor Application and the Membership Application are both available in the Member Documents and Forms tab. The Contest Sponsor Application is due November 15, 2019 and the Membership Application is due December 1, 2019. The Membership Application can also be completed via online form by following this link: https://forms.gle/NT23yDjeUpNyGAv2A WGI is opening registration on September 16. Please read the following information if you are registering for the Denver Regional: Color Guard Tier 1 – September 16th at 12:00 noon EST – those groups registering for WGI World Championships as well as regional(s) will begin. Entry into World Championships will be automatically included at this time and your group will become financially responsible for this entry.Tier 2 – September 23rd at 12:00 noon EST - for all groups registering for any events, except Regional A’s.Tier 3 – September 30th at 12:00 noon EST - for all groups including Regional…