
Late fees are applied if a unit's registration is received after December 15, 2018. This applies to the RMCGA fees and the WGI Denver Regional fees. If any directors have questions about registering for the Denver Regional, please reach out to any member of the Board. Peggy Sparks will need to receive an invoice for the registration of the Denver Regional so she can pay the fees on unit's behalf. Check back later this week for the 2019 show schedule.
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RMCGA November Meeting/Survey

Hello Directors! The November Membership meeting will be held at Douglas County High School from 11-1PM on November 4th, 2018. Please make sure that your unit has a director or designated delegate present. (If you are sending a proxy for your group, please notify the We look forward to seeing you all there! Additionally, a survey has been sent out via email regarding the Evaluation Show format. You can access that survey here:
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State Patches reminder

Participant patches – If your unit would like to preorder participant patches, they are $2 each. Final numbers and money need to be turned in by March 18th. A small amount will be available for sale at Championships for $5 each. Orders and/or payment may be made to the tab table at any contest.
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Volunteer Reminder

We need one person from each organization to help us run the WGI Denver Regional. Please sign up by March 18 - be sure to put your unit name in () as well. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link (or copy it into your browser) to go to our invitation page on 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on 3. Sign up! Choose your spots - will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Contact Kendra at with any questions
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Membership form and fees reminder

Reminder!!! Dues and membership are due by December 1st 2016. If it is not received by the 15th of December there will be a $100 late fee! Please make sure to fill out the membership form and remit payment to Peggy Sparks! Thank you all units!
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